
hey there.

I’m T.K., a girl rolling aroundLA by bicycle, navigating the City of Angels… come along for the ride.

Sex On The Brain

Sex On The Brain

30-Day Writing Challenge, Day 11

This is my current situation though.

tired babysitter with a 6 month old sleeping on her chest

Down home in New Orleans, I told my cousin she could leave baby with me for the day.

Oh my heavens, I’m starting later than my 11:11pm start yesterday.

Yes, I’m using babysitting as an excuse to procrastinate. I could’ve gotten stuff done at different points throughout the day while baby girl was otherwise entertained.

I have to press publish by midnight every single day to complete this 30-day writing challenge, and it’s currently 11:31pm. We can’t wait any longer.

[goes to WordPress graphic with list of writing prompts]

Writing Prompt 11: Something you always think “what if…” about

Well, most recently my “what if” reflections have been relating to romantic situations with us women’s biological match… a man.

Google, Siri, Alexa, one of y’all, play What Is It About Me by the late Amy Winehouse.

As I’ve mentioned in earlier writings of this 30-day writing challenge, I’m very reserved when it comes to intimacy. It's not as if I’m asexual, I’ll definitely want to partake in pleasurable activities, I just don’t.

This may be why I have no regrets. I have girlfriends who have done things and say we’re going to pretend it never happened because they wish they wouldn’t have. Possibly, it’s my overthinking of everything that has spared me some repenting.

Conversely, I’ll have thoughts of “what if I would’ve”. Though it may be for the best that I didn’t, it doesn’t stop me from wondering what if I did.

That’s a shame that out of all the “what if” situations I could’ve said, that topic was the first to come to mind.

Child, let me go read my Bible or something because I for sure don’t want one of these things I’m tending to just yet.

This is where I would close by asking you to share, but don’t share this. I don’t even know why you’re seeing this. Y’all kids be good, I’ll talk to you later.

I Don’t Want It, But I Want It

I Don’t Want It, But I Want It

Yeah, I Got Something To Say

Yeah, I Got Something To Say