
hey there.

I’m T.K., a girl rolling aroundLA by bicycle, navigating the City of Angels… come along for the ride.

Yeah, I Got Something To Say

Yeah, I Got Something To Say

30-Day Writing Challenge, Day 10

Whew! It’s 11:11pm, make a wish! (Where did that even come from? Let me not get distracted by going look it up). My wish is that I successfully complete this 30-day writing challenge and come out a better writer on the other end.

Yesterday, I told you that I’d be heading to my next destination today. What I didn’t know is that I would be behind the steering wheel from before 8am to almost 4pm. Enjoying my last night in Houston, I stayed up super late, then had to be up before the sun to meet one of my girlfriends from college with whom I was riding… well, driving.

Child, I didn’t think I was going to make it at one point when these eyelids got to getting heavy heavy. Stopping to get us breakfast from Chik-fil-A may have saved me.

Now I’m sitting on my cousin’s couch in New Orleans, in the same spot I've been since arriving here. Your girl was tired. I didn’t feel like blogging, but I’m not about to fall off this 30-day writing challenge.

It’s 11:28pm now and I’m pressing publish before midnight.

Let’s see what the list of 30 writing prompts (via a WordPress graphic) has for me today.

Writing Prompt 10: Write about something for which you feel strongly

I’m high-strung about anything from abortion to cereal.

Having an opinion about EVERYTHING, I have worked any one of my friends’ nerves at some point during my fervent rants. Shoot, I work my own nerves sometimes. I have something to say about everything, and majority of the time, I don’t know how not to say it, as I revealed in the previous prompt about aspects of myself with which I struggle.

Related: I’m A F’d Up Individual

Darn, it’s already 11:44pm, and I need to publish by midnight. Hm, what can I say that won’t take me all day?

I feel strongly about…

Children. Family. Health. Black business. Wealth distribution. Sustainability. Women. Girls. Culture. Society.

See what I mean? There’s so much I feel strongly about, and so much that falls under what I feel strongly about. (I suppose that’s why I added an opinion column to my personal lifestyle blog, to get up on my soapbox and go in).

Related: aroundLAwithTK Opinion Column

We need to pay more attention to the way we raise our children and realize the depth of how their childhood will effect the adult member of society they become.

Billionaires should NOT exist. There is no such thing as a “good” billionaire. Hoarding wealth is freaking gross.

Places for women should remain for natural-born women. Extending rights to others shouldn’t infringe upon the rights of women.

Whoops! 11:59pm. [Jimmy Neutron voice] Gotta blast!

Sex On The Brain

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All I Gotta Do Is Stay Black and Die

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