
hey there.

I’m T.K., a girl rolling aroundLA by bicycle, navigating the City of Angels… come along for the ride.

What I'm Building and Why I Won't Stop Even Though It's Hard

What I'm Building and Why I Won't Stop Even Though It's Hard

Sharing my thoughts from an Instagram post since it took me ’bout the amount of time it could take to write a blog. [face palm]

hey there, I’m T.K., a journalism graduate that blogs so my degree isn’t a complete waste 🤸🏻‍♀️

Hmmm.. Let’s try something, for SEO purposes.. The algorithm is a computer, right? Who knows computers best? Another computer!

I’m going to copy/paste an Instagram caption, that came completely from a human brain, into ChatGPT and ask it to explain what I’m saying. (Hopefully, we’ll add text to this page that’s more SEO-friendly than my very human, and sometimes very informal, way of speaking, that Google/computer systems don’t as easily understand… and we’re also doing it because it’s fun to play with an AI language model!)

kidding! (kinda).. yes , I’m formally trained in the art of rhetoric and reporting , and are you kidding ?! of course I’d be glad to earn a living , working from anywhere , with the skills that I spent time and resources to acquire . absolutely . however , writing and sharing my words on the World Wide Web mean so much more to me than making money , or putting a college degree to use .

I created #aroundLAwithTK from inspirations of others.. my high school bestie’s baby sister , my college boyfriend’s kid cousin , my own family members in the next generation , all expressing interest in learning how they can do certain things I’ve done ; my peers telling me to spill tea on this that and the other, so they can decide if they want to indulge or avoid ; and then those that I would’ve never guessed , those that have lived more life than me , finding the stories about the way I live mine entertaining .

Having something to give, and genuinely enjoying when someone “gets” something from me, it would be blasphemy if I didn’t.

It’s disrespectful that I don’t more often. (Then I wonder why I see very little growth over long periods of time.. girrrrrrl , where was the work ?!) … I’m ready to show reverence , or in AAVE , I gotta stop playing with my potential & turn tf up !!

via @aroundLAwithTK on Instagram

How to use ChatGPT for your personal blog?

Real life example.


[Inserts above italicized text]

This is a caption that I wrote for a carousel post shared to the Instagram account for my Los Angeles lifestyle blog, aroundLAwithTK; convert my sentiments into a 1000-word blog post.

The topic of this blog post is what I wrote in the Instagram caption, however, it’s necessary to merge in the overall premise of my blog (aroundLAwithTK) in general, to show the connection between this topic and my blog website or why it fits into my subject matter. To be able to do so, here’s the description from the “about” page of my website: [inserts text from about aroundLAwithTK page].

It’s very important to include keywords naturally throughout the blog post, such as: Los Angeles living, lifestyle blogger, and any other relevant keywords that will allow my blog brand to appear higher in search results.

Give a keyword-rich title and an engaging meta description, as well as captions to share this blog post on LinkedIn and Facebook.

Me + ChatGPT:

Unveiling the Tapestry: The Story Behind aroundLAwithTK

In a world where degrees often lead us down defined paths, I found myself navigating the intricate landscape of storytelling and self-discovery.

Hey there, I'm T.K., a journalism graduate who decided that my degree wasn't just a stepping stone to a conventional career—it was a gateway to crafting a narrative that transcends the ordinary.

Embracing Rhetoric and Reporting

Yes, I'm formally trained in the art of rhetoric and reporting, and you might wonder, "Wouldn't you rather be using your skills in a traditional journalistic setting?" Well, of course, the idea of earning a living from anywhere with my acquired skills is enticing. However, for me, writing and sharing my words on the World Wide Web mean more than a paycheck or utilizing a college degree in a conventional way.

The Birth of around LA with TK

Enter #aroundLAwithTK—an endeavor born out of inspiration from unexpected sources. It wasn't a calculated move to put my journalism degree to use in the conventional sense. Instead, it was a response to the genuine curiosity of my high school bestie's baby sister, my college boyfriend's kid cousin, and my own family members from the next generation—all expressing interest in learning about the experiences I've had.

From Tea Spills to Unexpected Connections

It didn't stop there. My peers urged me to "spill the tea" on various aspects of my life so they could decide whether to indulge or avoid similar endeavors. What surprised me even more were those who, having lived more life than me, found the stories about my experiences entertaining. It became evident that I had something to offer, and I genuinely enjoyed the moments when someone "got" something from me.

Related: I Attended Drake’s Private Billboard Artist of the Decade Award Party. Here’s An Inside Look

The Weight of Potential

Yet, with the joy of sharing came a realization—I wasn't honoring my full potential. Disrespectful, perhaps, that I didn't do it more often. It made me pause and reflect on why growth seemed elusive over long periods. The answer was clear: I needed to stop playing with my potential and turn up the volume on what I had to offer.

Related: I Tried A 30-Day Writing Challenge For The First Time and Here's How It Went

Ready to Turn Up

So, here I stand, ready to show reverence to God, in using the gifts I’ve been given to share stories, experiences, and insights — and make them readily available and easy to access for those far and wide that may find them useful. That’s what I hope to do here @aroundLAwithTK. It's not just a blog; it's a tapestry of moments, a collection of narratives that intertwine with the essence of living in Los Angeles, embracing a lifestyle that promotes biking, healthy living, and personal development.

The Journey Ahead

As I unveil the tapestry of my journey, I invite you to join me in turning up the volume. Let's explore the city together, embrace healthy living, and delve into personal development. aroundLAwithTK isn't just a brand—it's a community, a platform, and a commitment to sharing stories that resonate with authenticity and empowerment.

Related: Working Woman Crush Wednesday [an aroundLAwithTK series]

Here's to respecting the potential, telling the stories, and turning up the volume. Welcome to around LA with TK—a space where every word, every story, and every connection contributes to the vibrant narrative of a life well-lived.


[Inserts shocked face emoji] Whoah, I can’t even lie, that darn AI robot has darn good understanding! A little back-and-forth, fine-tuning, and BOOM! Look what we created!

I’m quite the fan of that closing sentence ChatGPT generated, as it very well encapsulates what I explained is going on over here in my little corner of the Internet; let’s say that again..

Welcome to aroundLAwithTK—a space where every word, every story, and every connection contributes to the vibrant narrative of a life well-lived.

Thank you for being here, riders. Please subscribe for can’t-miss outtakes from aroundLA, or special moments withTK. And don’t hesitate to invite a friend!

Navigating the City of Angels with aroundLAwithTK

Navigating the City of Angels with aroundLAwithTK

Is It Time To Update My Blog's "About" Page?

Is It Time To Update My Blog's "About" Page?