
hey there.

I’m T.K., a girl rolling aroundLA by bicycle, navigating the City of Angels… come along for the ride.

Is It Time To Update My Blog's "About" Page?

Is It Time To Update My Blog's "About" Page?

When it comes to blogging, creating a compelling About page is often overlooked or neglected. Many bloggers may view it as an afterthought, assuming that their content should speak for itself. However, your About page is one of the most important pages on your blog. It's the place where your readers can learn more about you, your blog's purpose, and what sets you apart from others in your niche. It can also help build trust with your readers and establish a personal connection with them. In this blog post, we'll explore why having an About page is crucial for any blogger, and discuss when it might be time to update it.

Why is having an “about” page important on a personal blog?

Having an "about" page on a blog is essential for several reasons. First and foremost, it allows readers to get to know the person behind the blog. It provides a space for you to share your story, your passions, and your mission. Readers want to connect with real people, and the "about" page is the perfect place to make that connection.

In addition, an "about" page can help establish credibility and trust with your audience. If you're a new blogger, having a well-crafted "about" page can help establish you as an expert in your field and show readers why they should trust your advice and opinions.

Furthermore, an "about" page can also help readers navigate your blog. It can provide a brief overview of the topics and themes you cover, as well as links to your most popular posts. This can help readers quickly get a sense of what your blog is all about and find the content that is most relevant to them. Overall, having an "about" page is an important tool for building your brand and connecting with your audience.

What makes a good “about” page for a personal blog?

A good "about" page for a personal blog should effectively introduce the blogger to their audience. It should provide relevant information about the blogger's background, their interests, and the purpose of their blog. Additionally, a good "about" page should be easy to navigate and visually appealing, with clear and concise language. It's important to make a connection with the reader by being relatable, sharing personal stories, and showcasing your personality. A good "about" page can make a significant difference in how readers perceive and engage with your blog, so it's important to invest the time and effort to make it great.

How and when to update a personal blog’s “about” page?

Here are some points to consider when deciding if it's time to update your About page:

  • Outdated Information: If the information on your About page is no longer relevant, it's time to update it. This could be anything from old contact information to outdated photos or descriptions of your brand.

  • Changes to Your Brand: If your brand or personal website has undergone changes, such as a new focus or direction, it's important to update your About page to reflect these changes.

  • New Achievements or Milestones: If you've achieved new milestones or accomplished new things since you last updated your About page, you should add this information to keep your readers engaged and interested in your brand.

  • Updating Your Voice: As you gain more experience and your writing style changes, you may want to update the tone or voice of your About page to better reflect your current personality or brand identity.

  • Keeping Things Fresh: Regularly updating your About page can help keep things fresh and interesting for your readers, and can also show that you're invested in your brand and are always looking for ways to improve it.

In general, it's a good idea to review your About page every few months to make sure it's still accurate and up-to-date. It's an important part of your website that can help build trust with your audience and establish your brand identity, so keeping it fresh and relevant is key.

It’s time to change my personal blog’s “about” page!

Here’s the original text cut from my aroundLAwithTK “about” page.

Whether you’re a person that has never stepped foot in Los Angeles, that’s thinking about visiting; or a lifelong Angeleno that wants to see what you may overlook, as natives of a place often do; this lifestyle blog is for you.

I offer insight navigating L.A. as a normal Black girl.

Here, you’ll find suggestions on places to go, things to do, as well as chats with some of your favorite faces frequenting or living in L.A., and coverage of exclusive events.

Listen, I’ve been around

Wait. Not like that.. but if it were like that, and what?!

From signing a non-disclosure agreement on a party bus as we head to a private studio session one night, to vibin’ until sun up at mansions in the hills many of other nights… whew! Life Is Good.

During more respectable hours, I regularly patronize businesses that are Black and/or locally owned and I’m continually deepening my grasp of L.A. thru exploration. Trust me, you take a whole lot more in when traveling 12 mph on a bicycle.

Backstory: LA to L.A.

After going to college in-state, I wanted to travel far away from home and try something completely new. A week before Halloween, in 2016, as I was picking up some stuff from my mom’s place in Vacherie, I told her I’d be moving. The next day, I got off my shift at the Mall of Louisiana, packed whatever could fit into my little Chevy Cruze and headed to California.

When I wasn’t busy serving on the board of Black Women Leadership Association, giving tours of the University, or yapping at events, I managed to squeeze in a bit of learning. From interviewing technique to video production, the skills I gained from earning a Broadcast Journalism degree allow me to bring you helpful, quality content.

As much as all of this still rings true to what my personal lifestyle blog, aroundLAwithTK, is about, a girl is long-winded, honey. That’s first. Nobody knows me, they don’t want to read an essay about me and why I started this lifestyle blog, nor a drawn out explanation on what it’s about. And the people that do know me, and care, already know most of that story, child.

Plus, it has been a minute. When did I launch this particular lifestyle blog, late 2020? It was sometime after that first spring/summer COVID-19 lockdown in California. At the time of typing this blog post, it’s Spring 2023. We’re past due for a refresh, my baby.

With the help of Open AI’s ChatGPT, to help a chatterbox like myself be more concise, I’ve rewritten my lifestyle blog’s “about” page. It does what a good “about” page is supposed to do — get straight to the point of why you’re here and what others can get out of being here (here, as in, on your blog website).

Check out aroundLAwithTK’s new “about” page: here!

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