Sweet, But Deadly
30-Day Writing Challenge, Day 25
Okay, T.K., back away from the edge of the deck. The shore is near, you don’t have to dive off the side. We’ll be docking soon.
Yeah, I missed yesterday, and what? Ugh. Okay, look, it was my Granny’s 82nd birthday. Is that an excuse? Maybe it would be if I hadn’t sat around the house all day doing nothing until the evening when we went to celebrate.
Look, let’s go.
Writing Prompt: Think of any word, search it on Google images. Write something inspired by the 11th image.
I suppose “hm” isn’t a word, but that’s the first sound that came from my mouth when reading today’s writing prompt.
I’m on FaceTime right now, I know, possibly not best practice for building a daily writing habit, but I don’t feel like hanging up, so I have my friend being quiet while I take 30 minutes to write. Being a person easily crippled by too many choices, I’ll read the writing prompt to my friend and let my friend give me a word to type into Google.
Strawberry Shortcake
Laughter roared from my chest when my friend said this word, or this two-word name.
First, my mind went to diabetes and how big pharma wants us addicted to sugar because the lifelong health complications from unhealthy eating is what keeps them rich. However, that’s likely because a moment ago I was giving my grandmother a bedtime snack after taking her blood sugar, giving her her medication, and refilling her medicine tray for the upcoming week.
When my aunt got home from work, she was telling me how I can’t take it upon myself to not give my grandmother her insulin injection and/or adjust it as I see fit. I’m aware I don’t have a medical degree, and her doctor has prescribed whatever he has prescribed, but I disagree. I can, and I should, adjust her insulin as I see fit, as I’m monitoring it morning, noon, and night, because sometimes she doesn’t need 24 units of [bleeping] Novolin! However, that is her mother after all, and she is my grandmother’s primary caregiver, so who am I to hop into the equation rebalancing it?!
That’s the main reason I wish I’d “made it” by now. I told you all in a previous blog post, in so many words, that IDGAF about that “gotta do this” and “gotta achieve that” nor “gotta have this” bologna requirements we place on ourselves anymore. I believe the purpose of life is simply to live.
Related: All I Have To Do Is Stay Black And Die
There is one thing I do gaf about though, and that’s Mable, my grandmother. I beat myself up that I’m not at a place that I can do for her how I’d like to do for her, and it sickens me even more that I’m in my late twenties and she’s in her early eighties and I’m still nowhere near where I need to be for her, for my family, for my people.
I want to put my grandmother in a house and have a non-relative caregiver on payroll, in addition to a nutritionist and physical therapist, keeping her diet and exercise spectacular. If she had that, if I could do that, she wouldn’t need to take a boatload of pills and viles of injections, ruining other parts of her body while it tries to fix another.
My grandmother has never been a drinker, but her kidneys are at a 21-percent function rate.. why? Modern medicine. It’s a scam.
The body can heal itself. God knew what He was doing, but no, us humans want to go fixing things.
Child, I could go on, but it’s 11:57pm now.
Something else is sweet, but deadly too..
Myself was the next thing to come to my mind while looking at that beautiful, slutty image of a strawberry shortcake. Yum. Mm. It’s good, hein? Watch out now, ‘cause it could be a silent killer.
11:59pm. Pressing publish. Goodnight.