
hey there.

I’m T.K., a girl rolling aroundLA by bicycle, navigating the City of Angels… come along for the ride.

Next Time ‘Round, I’ll Be a Better Lover

Next Time ‘Round, I’ll Be a Better Lover

Oops, I did it again
I played with your heart, got lost in the game

30-Day Writing Challenge, Day 19

I played with your heart.. got lost in the City.

Right after saying my ENFP personality type is prone to getting distracted, what do I do? Go and get distracted.

Related: A Smart Mouth, Wild A** Girl

I could simply not admit it and no one would ever know, but what help would that do? I didn’t do my daily blog post yesterday. [sigh]

Let’s get to it today, Miss Girl.

Writing Prompt 19: Describe your first love.

[inserts previous blog post]

Related: Words That Stuck With Me From My First Real Boyfriend

No, seriously. I talked about my first love already. Way back on the second writing prompt of this 30-day writing challenge, I wrote about my first love.

He was everything. He is everything.

If I couldn’t pay my rent this very day, even though we went our separate way years ago, if he had it to give, my rent would be paid, and that’s a fact.

He loved me… deeply… for me… through all my imperfections… for them, really.

I loved him… childishly… family-oriented, I fell right in… adoring his ways with his mother and grandmother.

It was beautiful. It is beautiful.

We argued, of course. It’s me. However, I have nothing but fond memories.

I’m thankful for the experience. I’m thankful to have experienced him. And I may be most thankful that he made me comfortable enough to allow him to experience me.

I look forward to feeling those feelings again, in a new form, with whomever the heavens see fit to send my way.

(Side note: One of my girlfriends brought up my first love the other day, saying “girl you would never date him now,” and my face balled up in confusion. I suppose my friends think… hm, let’s see… My friends don’t see my current preferences, and/or what attracts me to a man, attracting me to that same man. And, maybe they’re right. Because yeah, ice water being served by nuns in Hell is more likely to happen than me spinning that block. But, at that time, he was just right.)

I can’t relate to the many girls I’ve spoken to that want to delete their first from their memory, or have regrets. If I had to name one, thee only regret I would have is that I wish I would’ve been a better woman to him.

What’s that Adele song?

I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again
I'll put my hands up
I'll do everything different
I'll be better to you

I’ll be better prepared for love the next time ‘round.

Okay, last night in New Orleans. Let me go run around with these tourists.

Talk to y’all later, riders.

Come Here Big Daddy

Come Here Big Daddy

A Smart Mouth, Wild A** Girl

A Smart Mouth, Wild A** Girl