A Smart Mouth, Wild A** Girl
Today I don’t feel like doing anything, I just want to lay in my bed.
Well, my cousin’s couch, that is.
30-Day Writing Challenge, Day 17
My cousin’s boyfriend had my cousin and I take a Myers-Briggs personality test, and though I tend to challenge generalized methods of categorization, my results hit on the money!! Listening to and discussing their results first, my jaw dropped when it was my turn. It’s good to know that my slacking on this 30-day writing challenge isn’t because I’m a lazy bum. On the contrary, I’m very energized, but an aspect of my ENFP-T personality type is that I get bored easily.
Campaigner (ENFP) Weakness
Unfocused. The thrill of a new project – especially one that involves collaborating with other people – can bring out the best in Campaigners. But this personality type is known for having ever-evolving interests, meaning that Campaigners may find it challenging to maintain discipline and focus over the long term.
source: 16personalities.com
I am unfocused.
Now that I’ve identified this productivity crippling weakness in my personality type, I need to figure out how to combat it. I set out on this 30-day writing challenge and hit the ground running, only to start losing major steam before even hitting the halfway mark. It makes me want to beat myself up, but if my issue can be diagnosed, that means it can be cured! Right?! Right.
Having barely been 24 hours since I took the 16personalities.com test, I haven’t done deep dive research yet. Thirty days isn’t even “long term”. Ain’t no way I’m struggling, ain’t no way. Surely I can do this, surely.
I haven’t quite found my discipline. But I will. For now, I’ll just keep going, even if these daily blog posts aren’t the most eloquent or elaborate. I’m going to keep going. I’ll figure out the rest as I go along.
Writing Prompt 17: Post about your zodiac sign and whether or not it fits you.
Now what are the stinking chances?! On these daily posts, I’ll write the intro before referring to the WordPress graphic with all 30 writing prompts on it, and I don’t look ahead while working on previous prompts. When I said that I tend to challenge descriptions based on categories, I was specifically throwing shade at that zodiac sign bologna. Then I get to the writing prompt and it’s telling me to post about my zodiac sign. Cute. Very cute.
I’ll try not to be intentionally contrary.
“What’s your sign?” People love asking. “My birthday is December 8th,” I respond, telling them to tell me since they believe in it so much. Sassy. I know.
Child, let me go look this up.
To keep with the personality thing, since I’m already on it, I typed in “December 8th zodiac personality,” and this is what the top of Google has to say,
Headstrong and imperious, a December 8 Sagittarius has a docile side; they express this by constant personality changes. Because they tend to extremes, it's not uncommon for them to regret many of their choices. They have creative talent but seem to prefer the life of a dilettante.
source: HowStuffWorks
My grandmother and anyone else that has ever been a caretaker for me will definitely say I’ve been strong-willed my entire life. I’ll admit that I can be a bit overbearing at times. So, I guess they lucked up with the “headstrong and imperious” part.
The rest is trash.
Zodiac signs are trash.
My personality is consistent; it’s too strong for me to change it, or pretend to be a different way, even if I try. I think it was the Sex On The Brain lil’ daily blurb, where I mentioned how I’ve never been a person to have regrets; I honestly can’t think of one regret I have, let alone regretting “many of [my] choices”. I, personally, don’t consider myself too creative; just like my dominant hand, I’m a left-brain person, mostly analytical in thinking. And, lastly, I’m a person that goes ALL IN when I’m into something; I don’t like simply skimming the surface how a dilettante is defined.
Psychoanalyst Carl Jung founded the field of analytical psychology, from which the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator was born. | photo: CBC Radio Online
Yeah, see, God wanted to further confirm the well-researched, theory-based, individualized Myers-Briggs test I took yesterday. The difference between defining a personality with a birthday and defining a personality with a test is that one is based on gimmicks and stars. The other is based on the research of psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung, and most importantly, YOU! Your results, your personality type, from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is based on you as an individual. It’s “an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.” Maybe it’s just me, but it seems you can get way more accuracy out of that than when you happened to come out of your mama’s tootie cat.
What’s your personality type?
If you’re interested in learning more about yourself and the constellations are quite doing it, look into the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Various entities offer their version of the test. I took a free one offered by a website named 16personalities dot com.
Let me know your findings! Did your results hit the nail on the head like mine? Or, are you one of those space-brained people that lives and dies on every hanging word of your horoscope? Come to the alter, my child. I’d like to pray for you. Kidding, kidding! Believe what you want to believe as long as it’s helping you better yourself, and not hurting anybody else.
The road feels rocky sometimes, but thank you for being here, my riders.
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