
hey there.

I’m T.K., a girl rolling aroundLA by bicycle, navigating the City of Angels… come along for the ride.

Because I Didn't Feel Like Doing Anything Else

Because I Didn't Feel Like Doing Anything Else

Ran my three miles to clear my mind
It always helps me out
It's my therapy
When I'm losing it which is usually

- Vivian Green
Emotional Rollercoaster

Well, I didn’t run. I walked. And, it was more like 12 miles. But yeah, that extended walk to clear my mind was pretty much what my day consisted of.

Once again, it’s now 11:51pm as I type these words and after a few days at the end of March off, I’m back this first full week of April trying to upload a new blog post to my page every day by midnight. It doesn’t matter how long or how short; all I’d like is to upload something. That’s a start.

That’s a start to my personal lifestyle blog here ranking on the first page of Google when searches related to my content are made. What do most people say when they want to search something on the Internet? Google it. This is why a higher Google ranking is important. I feel like I’m beating a dead horse (because I am), but I can’t get this goal out of my mind.

Yes, I generate clicks when I post something salacious on Instagram, or when somebody shares me on Facebook the way that random lady did after seeing me on Let’s Make A Deal, but none of that compares to ranking on the first page of Google with your personal website.

Ranking on the first page of Google consistently for search results will put me in the position to make money while I’m not even posting on social media.

Enough about that. It’s 11:57pm now and I need to press publish in 2 minutes.

I feel good about the long walk I went on today because I had to force myself to go. It’s not clear why, but I didn’t feel like doing anything today.. and by “anything” I mean not a single thing.. not shower.. not brush my teeth.. not answer the phone nothing.. now, I’ve done all of that after forcing myself on a walk.

Okay, time’s up. Later!

Why am I such a lazy bum?

Why am I such a lazy bum?

Well, it’s 11:51pm and I haven’t written today

Well, it’s 11:51pm and I haven’t written today