
hey there.

I’m T.K., a girl rolling aroundLA by bicycle, navigating the City of Angels… come along for the ride.

Why am I such a lazy bum?

Why am I such a lazy bum?

Copy/paste yesterday onto today, minus the 12-mile walk.

This is only going up to keep my challenge to self about posting something on this here personal lifestyle blog daily.

I think it’s my gut.. I think that’s what’s weighing me down and holding me back from being a more productive blogger.

In all honesty, I don’t even like writing. I saw a quote from some old (and/or dead) lady, probably in somebody’s English history books, that couldn’t have described me better, as a writer/blogger/journalist/homo-sapien-with-a-beating-heart-that-wants-to-do-more-than-die:

I hate writing. I love having written.

- maybe I’ll find the source for you later

I reposted it on my InstaStory for one of the literary pages I follow, so it won’t be hard to find, but I’ve already pressed “remind me in 15 minutes” more than enough times today.

At least I didn’t wait until the very, very, very last minute to do my daily blog entry tonight. It’s 11:22pm.

Goodnight.. Gig in the morning.. Oh yeah, I still haven't told you all about those and how to get ‘em, hein? Aïe, aïe, aïe!

If you randomly landed here, check out my “what to do while in Los Angeles” section for personal recommendations from a Southern girl exploring the West Coast. The content over there is geared to you. Over here, it’s basically me talking to lil’ ol’ me.

Well, That Didn’t Work…

Well, That Didn’t Work…

Because I Didn't Feel Like Doing Anything Else

Because I Didn't Feel Like Doing Anything Else