
hey there.

I’m T.K., a girl rolling aroundLA by bicycle, navigating the City of Angels… come along for the ride.

Nah, This Ain’t No Coffee.. This That COFFEE Coffee

Nah, This Ain’t No Coffee.. This That COFFEE Coffee

Seriously, the name of the little café I stumbled into yesterday morning is Coffee Coffee LA.

Then you know how you say a word twice to double the emphasis? Yeah, after having a drink from them, I understand the emphasis in their name.

I felt like I was on speed.

Mind you, I’ve never even puffed a blunt, let alone done a hard drug, but I imagine that if I did, Coffee Coffee’s coffee is what it would feel like.

I ordered a decaf dirty chai latte with oat milk. I will say that this is my first time ever ordering a dirty chai, that means it’s a chai tea latte with a shot of espresso, but that’s why I got it decaffeinated. I thought it would be fine. I thought I would be able to handle it. I thought wrong.

When I was sipping on it at my first gig of the day (which is why I even got it in the first place because I knew I was working a double), I had to get up and bounce on my tippy toes while shaking my fingers and swinging my arms.

I let it melt down a bit, then added a bunch more ice, in hopes watering it down would decrease the potency. It didn’t work.

I don’t know where they get their coffee beans, but that stuff is strong!

Not too long after arriving to my second gig of the day, my heart began palpitating unusually fast. I wasn’t doing anything but standing there, smiling behind my mask, watching the talent and support eat at Universal’s event. The way my heart was racing, you would’ve thought I was walking thru the Halloween Kills immersive experience. After some minutes of this that felt like hours, I was freaking out. I had to leave the floor, go sit in the back and chant “Ommmmm” while taking deep breaths to bring down my heart rate.

I’m a daily chai tea latte drinker from coffee shops all aroundLA, and I also can throw back those Starbucks glass-bottled drinks from the grocery store without feeling an inch of extra energy, which is why I didn’t think I’d be so sensitive to real caffeine.

Coffee Coffee LA is real. Starbucks is a joke in comparison. And that’s what I’ve learned. There’s a big difference between real, high quality coffee, and a cup of sugar.

Oh, speaking of sugar, I almost forgot to tell you all about the delicious, baked-in-house cookie I also had at Coffee Coffee LA. Errrrr mah Gawd! My mouth is salivating at the thought of it. The flavors were rich and the texture was perfect. I’ll definitely be returning to try some of their other homemade menu items!

Coffee Coffee LA boasts handcrafted bites | photo: @coffeecoffeela on Instagram

Coffee Coffee LA boasts handcrafted bites | photo: @coffeecoffeela on Instagram

Are you a real coffee drinker?

If so, please go check out this high quality coffee cafe in LA! Tag @aroundLAwithTK in your InstaStory, or send me a Tweet when you do; I want to know how it is to you.

If you’re a girl like me, that’s a play play coffee drinker, trying to be cute, still go check it out because this place is a whole aesthetic! [inserts heart-gazed eyes] Located in the lovely Larchmont neighborhood of Los Angeles, from the lettering of the menu board to the couches and pillows, it’s stinking adorable! Go snap it up, friend.

Coffee Coffee LA
5630 Melrose Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90038
United States

Booted from Brunch at Blaqhaus (But It Was Good)

Booted from Brunch at Blaqhaus (But It Was Good)

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