
hey there.

I’m T.K., a girl rolling aroundLA by bicycle, navigating the City of Angels… come along for the ride.

A Blogging Goal to Write 3 Posts Per Day by Dinner

A Blogging Goal to Write 3 Posts Per Day by Dinner

Okay, I was eating the second course of my breakfast, thinking, “ou, I want to write about that!”

“Oh, I have to say something about that.”

“Uhnt! Uhn! Wait ‘til I tell my #aroundLA riders about this.”

That was three hours ago, and don't ask me what I’ve been doing since… scrolling on those darn time-sucking social media sites.

But I’m about to do it for real now. Y’all know I will update you, either way!

Quick fire! Pow! Pow! Pie-yowwwww! Let’s gooooooo!

Update (May 2022): Doing Great.. I’m About to Write 3 Blog Posts By Dinner

The above was the original title to this scribble. I still have yet to see a day where I write 3 blog posts in one day. Hopefully, they’re coming.

My Grandmother's Laughter, and Other Things That Make Me Really Happy

My Grandmother's Laughter, and Other Things That Make Me Really Happy

If You're Struggling to Get More Traffic to Your Site, Let's Gather Here

If You're Struggling to Get More Traffic to Your Site, Let's Gather Here