
hey there.

I’m T.K., a girl rolling aroundLA by bicycle, navigating the City of Angels… come along for the ride.

Bike Ride to Bruce's Beach for Black History Month

Bike Ride to Bruce's Beach for Black History Month

Since the beginning of time, white people have found a way to take from Black folks if they even LOOK like they might want to have a piece of something. Ugh, it’s saddening. But this is a happy story, about the descendants of Black folks whose property was stolen from them being given back… a hundred years later. [Deep inhale] [stale face] [looking around] They got it back though! [forced smile]

This story was originally covered by NPR, A Black family got their beach back — and inspired others to fight against land theft, I’m only sharing a summarized look at it (from the perspective of taking a bike ride to Bruce’s Beach in honor of Black History Month) to put this moving news in another place on the Internet in hopes more people will hear this story (or hear it again).

The following summary was generated in collaboration with ChatGPT because I’m lazy and rather spend more time with my butt on a bike riding down the beach than at a desk beating myself over the head. I’m a real writer though, y’all, just not right now, I wanna go outside and play.

Rediscovering History: A Bike Ride to Bruce's Beach for Black History Month

Welcome to aroundLAwithTK, your go-to source for exploring the vibrant and diverse lifestyle of Los Angeles! In honor of Black History Month, we embark on a journey that celebrates resilience, justice, and the rich cultural heritage of the African American community in LA. Join us as we embark on a bike ride to Bruce's Beach in Manhattan Beach, California, to rediscover a poignant chapter in history and pay tribute to the courageous spirit of the Bruce family.

Living in Los Angeles

Embracing Diversity and History Los Angeles is not just a city; it's a living mosaic of cultures, traditions, and stories that intertwine to create its unique tapestry. From the bustling streets of Downtown to the serene shores of Santa Monica, every neighborhood in LA pulsates with its own rhythm and charm. As Angelenos, we have the privilege of immersing ourselves in this vibrant kaleidoscope of diversity, where the past, present, and future converge in a dynamic tapestry of life.

Bruce's Beach

A Legacy of Resilience and Courage Perched atop a narrow park overlooking the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean lies Bruce's Beach, a place steeped in history and imbued with the spirit of resilience. Once owned by Charles and Willa Bruce, an enterprising African American couple, Bruce's Beach stood as a testament to the ingenuity and determination of Black entrepreneurs in the face of adversity. In the early 20th century, when racial segregation was the norm, the Bruces defied societal barriers by establishing a beachfront resort that welcomed people of all races.

The Fight for Justice

Restoring the Legacy of Bruce's Beach Despite their success, the Bruces faced relentless harassment and intimidation from white residents who resented the presence of Black beachgoers. In 1924, the city of Manhattan Beach seized Bruce's Beach through eminent domain, citing dubious reasons of public interest. The Bruces were forcibly evicted, their property confiscated, and their dreams shattered. For decades, the land lay dormant, a painful reminder of the systemic injustices that plagued Black communities across America.

A Symbol of Hope

Reclaiming Bruce's Beach In a watershed moment of justice, California passed legislation to return Bruce's Beach to the descendants of Charles and Willa Bruce. This historic decision marked a long-overdue acknowledgment of past wrongs and a commitment to rectifying them. As the land is restored to its rightful owners, it serves as a beacon of hope for marginalized communities everywhere, a symbol of resilience, and a testament to the power of collective action.

Bike Ride to Bruce's Beach

Honoring the Legacy As we pedal along the sun-kissed shores of Manhattan Beach, we are not just embarking on a physical journey but a spiritual one—a journey of remembrance, reflection, and reverence. With each revolution of the pedals, we pay homage to the indomitable spirit of the Bruce family and all those who fought for justice and equality. Along the way, we pause to soak in the beauty of the coastline, to listen to the rhythm of the waves, and to honor the memory of those who came before us.

The Impact of Bruce's Beach

Lessons for Today The story of Bruce's Beach resonates far beyond its shores, serving as a potent reminder of the enduring legacy of racial injustice in America. As we reflect on the struggles and triumphs of the Bruce family, we are compelled to confront the uncomfortable truths of our past and work towards a more just and equitable future. From grassroots activism to legislative reform, the fight for racial justice continues to evolve, fueled by the same spirit of resilience and determination that propelled the Bruces forward.


As our bike ride to Bruce's Beach draws to a close, we are reminded of the enduring power of storytelling to heal, inspire, and unite us. In the spirit of Black History Month, let us commit ourselves to preserving and honoring the legacies of trailblazers like the Bruce family, whose courage and resilience continue to light the way forward. May we carry their stories in our hearts, and may we strive to build a future where justice, equality, and dignity prevail for all.

The descendants sold the land back to L.A. County… [breathe, T.K., breathe] Only a couple of years after such a great triomphe, after winning a historic battle, the land is no longer in the Black family’s hands. Ughhhh, my eye muscles are sore from how much I’ve rolled them in the moments since reading that update. The Bruce family descendants should’ve gotten the money they sold the land for as a repayment of the ONE HUNDRED YEARS of potential income stolen from them WITHOUT having to sell the land. Child, let me not get up on my soapbox. This is a happy story. Honor the wonderful Black History moment by taking a bike ride to Bruce’s Beach. Whoo! [sarcasm]

Later, riders, thank you for being here and don’t hesitate to share!

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