
hey there.

I’m T.K., a girl rolling aroundLA by bicycle, navigating the City of Angels… come along for the ride.

Why You Can Go Farther By Bike

Why You Can Go Farther By Bike

Hey there, fellow fitness enthusiasts! It’s TK, and today we’re diving into a topic that truly showcases the power of cycling. Ever wonder why you can go farther by bike than by any other means of personal transport? The answer lies in the incredible efficiency of cycling. From burning calories to covering more ground, riding a bike is hands down one of the most effective ways to boost your fitness and explore the beautiful streets of Los Angeles.

Cycling Versus Running

Let's dig into why cycling outshines running and walking, and how your body becomes the ultimate engine when you're on two wheels!

Weight Loss

When it comes to weight loss, the debate between cycling and running is ongoing. Running burns more calories than cycling because it engages more muscles, making it a more intense workout. However, cycling is gentler on the body, particularly on the joints. This means the average person can easily ride a bike longer than they can run, making it easier to stick to a cycling routine long-term. The sustainability of a biking routine often leads to better weight loss outcomes over time, as the consistency allows individuals to reach their fitness goals without the risk of injury or burnout. Source: Healthline

Quick Tip: Bring a reusable water bottle when riding around Los Angeles—hydration is key, especially in the warmer months!


Running is often hailed as the king of cardio because it activates muscles in a broader range of ways than cycling. On the surface, this might seem like an advantage. However, cycling offers a unique benefit: it allows a person to go from being a couch potato to engaging in a high-intensity workout much faster than running would. The low-impact nature of cycling means that a person can build up their cardiovascular endurance and intensity levels without the prolonged training that running requires. Source: Live Science

Impact on the Body

In terms of physical impact, cycling wins hands down. The repetitive impact of running can be tough on the joints, particularly for those new to exercise or carrying extra weight. Cycling, on the other hand, is a low-impact exercise that minimizes strain on the body while still providing an excellent workout. This makes it an ideal choice for those looking to improve their fitness without risking injury. Source: Peloton Blog

Cycling's Efficiency Over Walking

Energy Consumption

When we talk about energy efficiency, cycling outshines nearly every other form of transportation, including walking. The energy required to cycle is significantly less than that required to walk the same distance, making it one of the most efficient ways to get around. In fact, in terms of energy consumption, cycling is up to five times more efficient than walking. This efficiency is why a person can cover much greater distances on a bike with the same amount of effort. Source: Bike New York


Cycling allows you to cover more ground faster than walking, with less energy expenditure. Imagine being able to travel at speeds that far outpace walking, all while exerting the same or even less effort. This speed efficiency is a key reason why cycling is not only a fun activity but also a highly practical one for daily commuting and long-distance travel. Source: YouTube

Calories Burned

When it comes to burning calories, cycling has the upper hand over walking. Biking can burn more calories than walking, and it does so with less impact on your joints. This lower impact allows for longer, more intense training sessions, making it easier to achieve weight loss and fitness goals. Plus, the ability to ride for extended periods means that you can maintain a high level of calorie burn without the physical strain associated with other forms of exercise. Source: Cycle Masters

Your Body [on a Bike] Is Your Most Efficient Means of Transportation

When you ride a bike, you become the engine. Your body converts food into fuel, which your legs use to power the bike. This combination of human energy and mechanical efficiency makes cycling an incredibly effective way to travel. It takes less energy to ride a bike than it does to walk the same distance, making you up to five times more efficient on two wheels. Whether you're commuting, exercising, or simply enjoying a leisurely ride, your body on a bike is the most efficient means of transportation available. Source: Science of Cycling

If you want to keep your fitness routine effective and sustainable, cycling might just be the best option out there. Whether you're looking to lose weight, improve your cardio, or just get around more efficiently, hopping on a bike offers advantages that few other forms of exercise can match.

Cycling Supports Your Cycle, Ladies

Cycling Supports Your Cycle, Ladies

Park the Bike and Join a Run Club

Park the Bike and Join a Run Club