
hey there.

I’m T.K., a girl rolling aroundLA by bicycle, navigating the City of Angels… come along for the ride.

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

I pray this page my words will speak.

Whew child, it’s after 1 o’clock in the morning. And, I haven’t written.

I need to write every single day! Not 3-5 times per week, not Monday thru Friday, if I’m going to be the writer I’m feeling so moved to be, I need to write EVERY. SINGLE. DAY!!

But not only here..

Mind you, I don’t even want to be a writer, but I do. It’s complicated. My first post on Medium was me asking myself Why Did It Take Me So Long To Get Here. That was my first post, the first time I gave it a go in 2021, then never wrote on Medium again, even though I’m a rather avid Medium reader.

Well, I’m back in 2022 giving Medium another go and I haven’t stopped yet. I mean, it’s only been 3 days, but still. As long as I get another post up on Medium before it hits 7 days since my last one, I’m good. Good to whom? Yeah, not Ms. Algorithm, that’s for sure.

“I Am A Writer. There, I Said It.”

That’s how I’m hopping into this Medium thing. By the way, Medium is a digital platform where thinkers commune to share ideas and stories. Though anyone with an email address can make a Medium account and start putting words up on Internet pages for free, Medium tends to attract and maintain a responsible authorship and a serious readership.

I’ve started paying for Medium, and now I want to make money from Medium.

God has blessed me with a voice that needs to be heard. Hey, His will, not mine.

And that’s why I try not to worry too much, because I know that what God has for me is for me. All I have to do is prep myself to be in a position to receive.

Amen somebody.

My next post, either here or on Medium, was supposed to be about how it’s okay to make mistakes, but here I am rambling about who knows what. Whoopsie! Mistake… and guess what — it’s okay.

Yep. I’ll tell you all about how I made a reference to LeBron James in college when he never went to college another day. For now, I’ve done my 30-minute/day minimum and I’m letting myself go to bed.

Ugh. I don’t know if this is a winning strategy… telling myself, forcing myself, to write for at least 30 minutes each day? What will it accomplish if, majority of these days, I just get up here and ramble about a whole bunch of nothing? I suppose something is better than nothing, for now. I am writing, aren’t I? And every day you write, you get better, don’t you? Yikes, speaking of basketball references, I think practicing something in the wrong form can be more damaging than skipping that drill altogether. I don’t know. This isn’t basketball.

This is writing.

I am writing.

Bird by bird.

You’ll come up with a plan.

You’ll get there eventually.

And the fat lady sings.

And you smile.

Goodnight, riders.

(Or goodmorning, or good afternoon, or plain ol’ hello, whenever you read this, if you ever read this.)

I’m a bit intoxicated at the moment. I’ll press publish now and read this tomorrow. Goodnight fr fr this time.

We In 4th Quarter, What Have You Done? What Will You Do?!

We In 4th Quarter, What Have You Done? What Will You Do?!

A Letter to My Estranged Mother on Mother's Day

A Letter to My Estranged Mother on Mother's Day