
hey there.

I’m T.K., a girl rolling aroundLA by bicycle, navigating the City of Angels… come along for the ride.

I Have To Start 40-Day Lent Over Only 3 Days Into It

I Have To Start 40-Day Lent Over Only 3 Days Into It

Yep, I’ll explain later.

If you clicked on this, please click on something else.

Maybe you can take a scroll on the Guide to L.A. page of this Los Angeles lifestyle blog for something else that catches your eye. (The colored words aren’t for website style purposes only. Click it! It takes you directly to the page.)

It’s after 11 o’clock at night, I haven’t posted on this here personal website yet today, and if you’ve seen me tweet about how I can’t do anything quickly, you’ll know I can’t write a serious blog post in under an hour.

I put deep thought, research, and backlinks into my writing for good blog posts… I don’t have time to do that right now, since I’ve wasted the last few hours of my night going back-and-forth with my most ridiculously stubborn and illogical girlfriend. [inserts eye roll] If you’re reading this, yes, I’m talking about you. ApplePay me some money, h**, for wasting my time.

I’ll tell you all what I chose to give up for Lent, why I chose to give up those items for Lent, and why Lent started Wednesday and I’d broken Lent by Friday.

In coming posts of the “while in Los Angeles > eat” section, I’ll be letting you all know how I grocery shop in Los Angeles, and which restaurants around LA help me, to survive Lent.

For now, I’m going to ask God for forgiveness.

Later y’all.

I Made Breakfast Again This Morning.. And It’s Prettier

I Made Breakfast Again This Morning.. And It’s Prettier

I Made Breakfast This Morning.. Yep, That’s It

I Made Breakfast This Morning.. Yep, That’s It