
hey there.

I’m T.K., a girl rolling aroundLA by bicycle, navigating the City of Angels… come along for the ride.

Before Ending One Month, I’m Onto To-Do List For Next Month

Before Ending One Month, I’m Onto To-Do List For Next Month

I don’t always use my planner as what it is, a notebook to plan the future.

Sometimes my planner is equivalent to typical Twitter news feed, getting stuff out of my head as it comes or talking about what I’m doing as I’m doing it.

Then other times, my planner is even less in a planning stance, when I’m jotting down memories of the past as if it were a journal.

Right now though, in this very moment, I am on it baybeeeeeeeee! I’m actually using my planner as a planner. I’ve begun filling in quite a few squares and blanks for months to come, and figuratively, there’s “productivity” written all over it.

I’m smiling. I feel somewhat prepared and optimistic about the month to come. I really do hope this feeling is right.

Event gigs that I’ve already accepted are marked in their appropriate spots on the calendar, as well as opportunities for possible offers that may come in. Notes are in the side panel of the monthly calendar page for regular goals I aim to maintain throughout the month, and the summary “at a glance” page is over halfway full as well.

When I first woke up this morning, I set screen time limits on this darn smart phone, setting the day off to a good start.

I’ve sipped a glass (or three) of red wine and now I’m about to go listen to a French lesson on Duolingo before it hits midnight and I lose the 204-day streak I’m on. (Successfully maintaining an extended streak on this language learning app is actually what inspired me to believe I could begin maintaining other beneficial daily habits.)

As I’m typing this, it’s in a folder of an unlisted page of my personal lifestyle blog. It doesn’t directly relate to any one of my categories about what to do while in Los Angeles, nor traveling, neither my dating opinion column.

This is more for me than it is for you, but if you somehow landed here, hiiiiiiiiiiii.

Okay, bye. Go look at something else on this website.

I'm Almost Fluent in French. Here’s How!

I'm Almost Fluent in French. Here’s How!

I Woke Up Out My Sleep Crying This Morning

I Woke Up Out My Sleep Crying This Morning