
hey there.

I’m T.K., a girl rolling aroundLA by bicycle, navigating the City of Angels… come along for the ride.

A Brilliant Mess of a Being

A Brilliant Mess of a Being

Today is my mother’s birthday.  We have an interesting relationship, that I may or may not end up working thru in part by writing, the same way I did in my diary when I was a little girl still learning how to print letters correctly.

Here’s a poem?  Or, whatever it should be called, here it is, something I wrote at some point and decided to share on my mother’s birthday last year.


through you , I've learned to love with no conditions.. or no matter the condition.. the true meaning of unconditional love⁣

from you , I've become a person that forgives endlessly.. that sees all that ppl are , before seeing what they aren't ⁣

it's the lessons you've taught me without trying , and possibly not even knowing , that molded the most intricate parts of me⁣

and I thank you⁣

thank you for your charisma ; people have always been naturally drawn to you . thank you for your authenticity ; you're you , saying whatever tf you want to say , whether ppl like it or not . & thank you for blessing me with thee only person in this world I love as much as you - your first born , my brother ❤️ ⁣

⁣oh , we can't forget about these genetics , honey ! whew , thank Ya Lawdt ! (shoutout to them Growe's and them Nailor's , haha)⁣

happy birthday , little woman 🎂🎉

This is an exact copy/paste from Instagram, in the caption of an InstaReel where I read it aloud, sitting on my front steps.

On a previous blog post, I said how I’d be in Palm Springs for Coachella all weekend and probably wouldn’t get around to posting on this here personal lifestyle blog daily, as had been my goal.  Unfortunately, I was right.  I don't think I opened my Squarespace app on this phone once, and my computer didn’t even come out of my suitcase.

I was scrolling thru my archive, seeing what I’d posted on the 19th day of April in previous years and was reminded how much I like this little piece, then figured I may as well share it on my blog.

It seems this section named “wellness” on my Los Angeles lifestyle blog went from things you can do aroundLA pertaining to wellness, to my own mental wellness.  I’m over here writing to write and at least I’m writing.

This past hellish weekend was a sign that I need to GTF out of working event gigs.  Come on, T.K., sign up for Fiverr and UpWork, as people have directly suggested to you, and start making money with your mind before you have to slap TF out of one of these raggedy stupid dumb duck a** h*** playing with you on these serving jobs.

Whew, child.. I’m struggling to keep my eyelids from shutting completely.  Let me go.  I’m glad I was able to get a blog post up on my personal website after having neglected it for a few days, and hopefully more are to come.

Anywhoot, happy birthday, Mother.  Thank you for making this brilliant mess of a being by being a brilliant mess of a being.

A Letter to My Estranged Mother on Mother's Day

A Letter to My Estranged Mother on Mother's Day

Two White Employees Followed Me Out of A Store Today

Two White Employees Followed Me Out of A Store Today